Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and sets out the steps that the Lagan Aviation and Infrastructure Group Holdings Limited (the ‘Group) has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

The Act requires certain businesses to provide disclosure concerning their efforts to address the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. These disclosures are intended to provide clients the ability to make better informed decisions about the services they buy and companies they support.


Lagan Aviation and Infrastructure Group Holdings Limited is part of the Lagan Specialist Contracting Group which is a private family-owned construction and civil engineering business which provide specialist contracting and services solutions throughout the UK, Ireland and overseas.

For the purpose of this policy, the Group includes:

• Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Limited

• Lagan Airport Maintenance Limited

• Lagan MEICA Limited

The Group is committed to fully supporting the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to social and environmental sustainability and have a zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking. We do not support or engage with any business knowingly involved in such activities. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains. The Group will ensure transparency within the organisation and with subcontractors and suppliers of goods and services in order to prevent slavery and human trafficking throughout the supply chain.

As an equal opportunities employer, we are committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for our employees.


Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy reflects a long-standing commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships, supported by the development and implementation of effective systems and controls.

We recognise that slavery and human trafficking can occur in many forms. Therefore, throughout this disclosure we use the terms “slavery and human trafficking” to encompass various forms of coerced labour. We believe that working in partnership with our clients, community stakeholders and supply chain in a sustainable way enables us to find practical, safer methods of ethical trading free from slavery and human trafficking.

n addition to the Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, we have several internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner:

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

  • Recruitment and Selection Policy

  • Whistleblowing Policy

  • Code of Conduct


As part of an initiative to identify and mitigate risk in respect of slavery and human trafficking, we have:

  • Developed and agreed our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

  • Review on contracts with subcontractors to confirm their compliance with the Modern slavery Act. Suppliers and subcontractors are required to notify us as soon as they become aware of any instance of modern slavery or human trafficking taking place in their business or supply chain.

  • Reviewed our recruitment processes to ensure they continue to be both transparent and thorough. We have robust procedures in place for vetting new employees and ensuring we are able to accurately confirm their identities.

  • Security checks, which includes a right to work check, are conducted by our security teams on projects to ensure that all subcontractors and agency staff are legally allowed to.

  • Ensure that all staff have a written contract of employment.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and in our business, we will provide training to our staff that is proportionate to the level of risk.

They will be informed of the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking. This training includes:

  • Introduction to modern slavery

  • Human Trafficking

  • Labour exploitation

  • Hidden Slavery

  • Legislation

  • Warning signs

  • Good business practices


AAs our approach to slavery and human trafficking develops, we will assess how well we are doing and whether additional procedures may be necessary. We are committed to reporting publicly about our performance each year.

This statement has been reviewed by our Managing Director and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement for the Group of companies for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.

Reviewed on: 14th February 2024

Steve Turner

Managing Director